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Evelyn's Paid Repo


EW2.OPW - 1.1

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4.21/5 (647 votes).


Requires InfoStats 2 for virtually everything. No weather code fallback.

Installed to iWidgets directory: /var/mobile/Library/iWidgets

Apply with iWidgets or XenHTML.

Fits all resolutions.

Instructions & Remarks:

- Use the correct plist for your resolution. Default one is for iP6. Find alt plists for iP5 & iP6+ in the ALTs folder.

- Clear a springboard page by moving icons to another page. Hide springboard elements with tweaks of your choice (e.g. Springtomize 3, DockAdjust, OPWClear etc.).

- Changing the overlay: Place your pic in the Stuff folder, rename it to overlay.png

- Changing the profile picture: Place your pic in the Stuff folder, rename it to profile.png


- Click the arrow to the right of the fav app icons to launch app drawer

- Click the large weather icon to open stock weather app

- Click the album art to open your music app

Credits: Code originally by Matt & June. Concept inspired by 21MaRcO12 (his Google+ Page).

For instructions & common issues, check my pinned tweet first. If you have further questions, you can find me on twitter (@ev_ynw), or drop me an email at [email protected]

Thanks! :)


Ver 1.1:

- Added badges to fav apps

- Added option to hide badges